Sharing from the NHR
Tena Koutou Soka Whanau!To get us all through, we are launching our new, brief daily encouragement video, based on excerpts from the New Human Revolution.Let’s rock this lockdown together with Sensei! (more…)
Audio Lecture Series – On Attaining Buddhahood In This Lifetime
Audio Lecture SeriesSGI President Ikeda’s lecture series on Nichiren Daishonin’s writing ‘On attaining Buddhahood in this lifetime’ examine this important writing that succinctly covers the basic theory and practice of Nichiren Buddhism. The lecture, given in seven chapters, is being used for the 2021 SGINZ study review program and is presented here in audio format. The booklet of the lecture is available from the SGINZ Treasures of the Heart Bookshop. Attaining Buddhahood in this lifetime—the fundamental purpose of life and a source of hope for humankindThe significance of chanting daimoku—achieving a life of supreme victory through correct Buddhist practiceAttaining Buddhahood in this lifetime—If you think the Law is outside yourself, you are not embracing the Mystic Law
Violence is Weakness, Prayer is Power
What is power and what is weakness? What is active and what is passive? In the Christchurch mosque terror attack on Friday, 15 March Naeem Rashid tried to stop the shooter but was killed trying to save others' lives. Abdul Aziz confronted the perpetrator with an EFTPos machine, called out 'Look! I'm in the car park; come park - come this way, come this way!' to draw the shooter away from the people in the mosque and then chased the shooter away with a discarded and unloaded shotgun. What we saw during that terrible and cowardly attack was the selfless humanity of people who rushed to the aid of others both from within and outside of the mosque. We were presented with the stark contrast of someone who had surrendered their…